>>>King of the Hill Tournament Rules Here<<<
1. Game Type King of the Hill
1.1. KotH games will be 6 minutes long with no halftime, the team with the most accumulated hill time will be the winner.
1.2. Teams are 5 vs 5
1.3. Respawn timers are 15 seconds.
1.4. Players may be subbed in when a player reaches spawn after being tagged, taking the respawn timer of the tagged out player, or during a hold.
1.4.1. When a player is subbed in, they may swap mags, darts, and gear with the player they are replacing.
1.4.2. If a player is subbing in for a tagged player, they take their respawn timer, along with any penalties that player incurred. If the player subbing out has not been tagged, the player subbing in still takes a respawn timer before entering.
1.4.3. Substitute players may communicate with players on the field.
1.4.4. Substitute players must stay outside the play zone, behind the starting line.
1.4.5. Substitute players may not have any blasters in hand until they are subbed in for a teammate.
1.5. Recommended Field size is 125 feet by 125 feet
1.6. Example Field Layouts

1.7. At the beginning of each game:
1.7.1. Players must be on the starting line for their respective side.
1.7.2. Players must have one foot on the starting line and the other outside the play zone.
1.7.3. Blasters must remain pointed straight up towards the sky with the muzzle above their head, or pointed directly at the ground, until both feet are in bounds.
1.7.4. At match start players must immediately enter the field from within their spawn zone, and may not enter from anywhere else.
1.8. Each team will have a dart limit of 300 darts for each game. These darts may be split among the team any way you would like.
1.8.1. Community dart options and related fees will be dependent on your local league organizer, and may not be present.
1.9. Players may not “blind fire” from behind cover. If shooting from cover they must present a target of at least their head.
1.10. A “tag” is whenever a dart contacts your person or gear.
1.10.1. Blaster tags count.
1.10.2. Ricochets and bounces do not count as tags.
1.10.3. If a dart is destroyed while being fired (the head is removed from the foam or otherwise rendered unshootable) that dart will not count as tagging a player it contacts.
1.10.4. ANY dart that was fired BEFORE a player was tagged out is still in play, even if the player is tagged after firing. Any dart fired after a player was tagged is not counted. This means that simultaneous tags can happen.
1.10.5. When tagged, raise your blaster above your head and return to your spawn point.
1.11. When a player is called tagged, they may not question or argue the call with the opposing player. If they believe the called tag was incorrect they may immediately put both hands in the air and call for the nearest referee to verify the tag.
1.11.1. The nearest referee will give one of three answers, a confirmation of the tag, a confirmation of no tag, or a did not see call, which maintains the call on the field. As soon as the call is completed, the affected player will either immediately return to spawn, or continue play. This call may not be argued.
1.11.2. When calling for referee confirmation the player may not move from their spot, point their blaster anywhere but directly at the ground, or otherwise impact the game, until the call is complete.
1.11.3. If players are found to be abusing these calls to manipulate field positions or otherwise alter the flow of the game, penalties will be given according to the severity of the action.
1.12. When a player is tagged they must immediately return to their spawn point, either taking the most direct path if there is no play they could impede on their way back, or exit the field via the closest field edge, then return to their spawn point.
1.12.1. When a player returns to their spawn point, they start their 15 count respawn timer and must stay at the spawn point during that time.
1.12.2. Tagged players may communicate with their teammates from the spawn point.
1.12.3. During a players respawn timer they may reload blasters and magazines from darts on their person or their teammates persons, but are not allowed to scavenge darts.
1.12.4. After a players respawn timer expires that player may enter the field from any edge (Labeled as “Spawn Zone” on the map) on their sides of the field.
1.12.5. Players may hold their respawn after finishing their countdown to organize a respawn with teammates if they choose.
1.12.6. Players must keep the muzzle of the blaster pointed at the air above their head, or pointed directly at the ground with their other hand above in the air above their head, until both feet cross the boundary line for the field.
1.12.7. Once a player has one foot across the boundary line, they may not pull that foot back out, and must complete the action of entering the field.
1.12.8. A player is not a “live” target until both feet are on the field.
1.12.9. Players may scavenge darts at any time during the game while they are not tagged, if they are on their way to the respawn point they may not scavenge darts.
1.13. When you tag someone call out their number or name and your tag location until they acknowledge it.
1.14. A player that steps out of bounds is counted as tagged and any shots taken while out of bounds are not counted.
1.15. No going inside buildings, climbing onto roofs or trees, or jumping over obstacles.
1.16. Shields and melee weapons are not allowed.
1.17. No transportation other than by foot may be used.
1.18. You may use your teammates equipment, but not the opposing teams. This does not apply to darts, all darts on the field are free to be scavenged and used.
1.19. Magazines may be tossed underhand to your teammates, never at opposing players.
1.20. All gear other than magazines and darts must be kept on you and may not be left on the field
1.21. There will be no intentional physical contact of players.
2. League Rules
2.1. Minimum player age is decided each league organizer for their league, however we recommend 15+.
2.2. Players must sign a waiver.
2.3. If a player is under 18, they must have a parent or guardian sign their waiver and verify it is their signature and the players permission to play in person.
2.4. Players must wear eye protection.
2.5. During check in players will check in what blasters they intend to carry on the field or have as backups in case of blaster failure. Once checked in, this is locked in for the duration of that event and cannot be changed.
2.5.1. Each player may check in a total of 3 blasters for the duration of that event.
2.5.2. If your blaster has variable settings, all settings must be tested, if one breaks the fps limit, you must be able to lock that setting so it cannot be accessed, or that blaster is unusable.
2.5.3. Blasters may not shoot darts over an average of 150 feet per second with the darts you carry onto the field, blasters will be checked at the beginning of every event with an average of 5 shots. Moderators may remove obvious outliers and ask for a re shoot to ensure accurate readings.
2.5.4. Players may not use air powered blasters, melee, shields, blowguns, or arrows of any kind.
2.5.5. Modified or homemade blasters may be used, so long as they comply with all other rules.
2.6. Players must use factory made darts, and may not use any darts that have hard solid tips, have been modified in any way, or are homemade. Moderators reserve the right to deem a dart unsafe on the field.
2.6.1. Players may use Nerf Darts, Mega Darts, Rival Rounds, Vortex Discs, and Boomco Darts. Compatible off brand darts that meet the requirements in all parts of rule 2.6 are allowed.
2.7. Players are responsible for making sure timers are on the right color for their team.
2.8. Unsafe play (Throwing blasters or equipment, jumping over obstacles, climbing, poking your blaster over an obstacle or around a corner where you cannot see, etc.) is not allowed.
2.9. Moderators (The game hosts) reserve the right to kick or ban any player for misconduct, exploitation or repeated breaking of the rules. Moderators will decide what is and isn’t misconduct or rules exploitation.
2.10. If you experience problems with another player, witness cheating, or have any disagreements with another player, please let a referee or moderator know. Problems will be addressed in a discreet and orderly manner. We don’t want accusations flying and tempers flaring. We will try to address all concerns, but remember this is a game, and if we hear someone complaining about everything, we’ll be less likely to be able to differentiate legitimate concerns from whiny nitpicking.
2.11. No Blasters can look real. This includes excessive black or silver, even if you have an orange tip. Painted blasters will be assessed on a case by case basis.
2.11.1. Blasters may not have black, metallic, or dark muzzles, must be a light and safe color.
3. Penalties
3.1. Scavenging darts while tagged out will result in a doubled respawn timer.
3.2. Ignoring an obvious tag (Think being tagged in the face and still playing on) will result in being counted as tagged with a doubled respawn timer.
3.3. Unsafe play will result in being counted as tagged with a tripled respawn timer.
3.4. Throwing anything on the field, climbing/jumping over cover, or blind firing will result in being counted as tagged with a doubled respawn timer.
3.5. Leaving any gear on the field aside from magazines during the game will result in being pulled from the field and counted as tagged out.
3.6. Entering the field illegally (muzzle not over head pointed at the sky or ground, moving to fire before both feet are in bounds, not returning to spawn and completing your respawn timer) will result in being counted as tagged.
3.7. Moving outside the field before spawning in without your blaster pointed towards the air and muzzle above your head or at the ground with your other hand in the air above your head will result in being sent back to your spawn point, no count, the player may immediately leave the respawn zone again.
3.8. Calling tags on players you have not actually tagged results in being counted as tagged with a double respawn timer.
3.9. Any rules broken not listed here will result in being pulled from the field with a doubled respawn timer.
3.10. Multiple infractions can result in a player being ejected from the remainder of the match, leaving their team to play down a person, regardless of any subs the team might have.
3.11. Any player found to be exploiting any aspect of the rules can result in that player being ejected from the remainder of the match or event.
4. Referees
4.1. If there are not enough volunteer referees at an event, players are expected to fill these roles when not playing.
4.2. One referee will be the Time Referee, whose job is to start the match and keep track of time, calling out time warnings and final countdowns.
4.3. Three referees will be Point Referees, whose jobs are to roam near their assigned point, calling anything they see, and when time is finished, making sure the timers are stopped immediately.
4.4. All other referees are Roaming Referees, whose job is to follow any play the Point Referees or Time Referee are out of range for.
4.5. All referees should stay out of lanes of fire, stay behind players while keeping them in view.
4.6. Do not crowd players, being too close may compromise a players position that the opposing side does not know about.
4.7. If you see a piece of cover fall, quickly move to put it back up, so long as your presence does not impede the flow of the game further.
4.8. When you see a penalty, immediately move to that player and call their number, tell them their infraction and subsequent penalty.
5. League Structure
5.1. A season within the league will be comprised of league days and tournaments.
5.2. League days will be single day events where each team plays the same number of matches and the results affect standings. It will not be assumed you are participating until your team registers for the event.
5.3. Tournaments will be day long events that your team will need to register for to participate in, it will not be assumed you are participating until your team registers for the event.
5.4. Tournaments will use a double elimination bracket format. (Subject to changes based on number of teams)
5.5. League Standings will determine seeding for each tournament.
5.6. At the end of each season, the team with the most overall points will be the champions of that season.
6. Requirements To Create A Team
6.1. You have a minimum of 5 players and a maximum of 7.
6.2. None of your players are currently on any other rosters for the same league or event.
6.3. When a team registers, they reserve a two color combination as their team colors that they can wear on the field. First come first serve, these reservations persist as long as a team stays in tact for their respective league.
6.4. Team jerseys are required to help differentiate players on the field, they do not need to be expensive custom jerseys, and may be as simple as shirts with numbers taped on, but should meet these guidelines:
6.4.1. Jerseys must contain both team colors.
6.4.2. Jerseys may contain other colors for accents, but the team colors must make up the obvious majority.
6.4.3. Player names and numbers must be large enough and clear enough to read.
6.4.4. Player names may be of the players choosing, but may not be inappropriate. Player names are optional.
6.4.5. Team name should be on the front chest of the jersey. Team names are optional.
6.4.6. Player numbers should be on both the front and back of the jersey. Player numbers are mandatory in these two locations. If a player is wearing gear that would cover these numbers, the player numbers must be visible on the front and back of their gear large enough to be read by referees on the side of the field.
6.4.7. Player numbers may also be placed on each sleeve, and are recommended, but are not mandatory.
6.4.8. Player numbers are in a two digit format, no more, no less.
6.4.9. If a team has sponsors, they may display sponsor logos on their jerseys, up to a maximum of 4. This maximum does not count the BTA logo.
6.4.10. Logos may not be larger than the team name, player name, or player number, and may not cover these locations.
6.4.11. Jerseys may display the BTA logo on them, if a jersey has sponsor logos it must also incorporate the BTA logo.
6.5. To maintain your teams season placement points, your roster must contain at least 3 of the same players from the last event you participated in.